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Content archived on 2023-03-06

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New publication: Spotlight on EU-Russia RTD cooperation. A snapshot of experiences on researchers’ level.

The RUSERA EXE consortium is pleased to announce it’s final publication: "Spotlight on EU-Russia RTD cooperation. A snapshot of experiences on researchers’ level."

The report highlights experiences of researchers actively involved into EU-Russia RTD projects funded by the EC. It identifies positive experiences as well as practical hurdles and barriers researchers face in this context and offers a set of key messages and conclusions resulting from the analysis. The report illustrates the experiences and views of more than 100 individual researchers and reflects up-to-date perceptions of leading researchers located in the EU and Russia. It is based on a survey and semi-structured interviews. The majority of respondents to the survey, among them a considerable number of European coordinators, was involved in joint EU-Russia FP6-projects. The purpose of the report is to promote a sharing of experiences among researchers and to support regional FP7-multipliers and FP7-National Contact Points in Europe and Russia with their consultancy work. The aims is to contribute to an increased understanding and capacity of FP7-multipliers and NCPs to consult and support researchers in Europe and Russia when establishing and implementing EU-Russia RTD cooperation projects. To download the report, please consult this link: RUSERA EXE, funded within FP6/INCO, was coordinated by the Association for Engineering Education of Russia (AEER). The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), and the Greek National Documentation Centre (EKT/NHRF) were partners. For further information about the report and RUSERA EXE please visit or contact: Ms. Petra Reiter Austrian Research Promotion Agency Sensengasse 1 A – 1090 Vienna Phone: +43 5 7755 4605 Fax: +43 5 7755 4011 or Ms. Olga Mazurina Head of the Department on International Scientific and Educational Management Tomsk Polytechnic University Tel./Fax. +7-3822-563280 GMT +06:00 e-mail: 30, Lenin Prosp., Tomsk, Russia RUS-634034


EU-Russia Cooperation


Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom