CRUE ERA-Net contributes to a Europe-wide information exchange on flood risk-related research and policy development
As much of the ongoing flood-related research is funded with public money, there is clearly a need to inform the public about the main research results, to enable interested parties to follow the ongoing developments and form their own opinion on the basis of sound, science-based facts and data. The provision of, and easy access to, research information is one of the most challenging issues for research funding bodies to tackle in order to make the European Research Area (ERA) a reality. CRUE does not focus solely on informing the public about research – it also supports stakeholders involved in flood risk management by sharing valuable research information across Europe. At several CRUE workshops for policy-makers and researchers the need to integrate the findings of national research programmes into EU policy development and implementation was identified. It was expected that CRUE ERA-Net could help fill that gap. “CRUE snapshot”, published annually by the CRUE ERA-Net, features the key policy-relevant developments in European research on Flood Risk Management (FRM) and covers updates on European FRM Policy, Country reports including research highlights, and flood research-related news. It provides a forum for the innovative examination of challenging intellectual, institutional and legal issues emerging from the field of Flood Risk Management. John Goudie, CRUE Project Co-ordinator says: “The publication of the first “CRUE snapshot” in August 2008 marked an important milestone for the CRUE ERA-Net. This edition builds on that important start. To adapt to the challenges ahead, the development of sustainable flood protection strategies requires constant study, reflection, analysis, and information exchange from both the science community and policy makers, as well as capacity building among all actors involved in flood risk management. A Europe-wide publication like this is a key element in this process.”
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom