TRI-ICT Cooperation between innovative SMEs
The Project The project is financed by the Interreg IV Italy-Austria Program and set itself the objective to develop in 30 months a map of the demand opportunities in the Programme Area, by adopting the method of so-called "lead users". The demand driven methodology refers to the document "A lead market initiative for Europe" - COM (2007) 860 (21.12.2007). The research will focus on 4 main domains: E-Health, domotics, home automation; Renewable energy, environment, sustainability; Tourism, culture and creative industries; Transport, logistics, advanced GPS applications. The emerging trends and needs will be disclosed to the potential suppliers of technologic solutions (SMEs and Universities) which will be involved in cross border cooperation projects. A fundamental role will be played by the so-called “innovation facilitators”, i.e. science parks, research centres, incubators and other SMEs supporting entities. Partners The research and technology transfer centre Friuli Innovazione (Udine) is the lead partner. Other project partners are BIC Sviluppo Italia (Trieste), the Mathematics and Informatics Department of the University of Udine, the Electrotechnics, Electronics and Informatics Department of the University of Trieste, Lakeside Labs (research centre of Carinthia) and the Institute of Informatics Systems, Interactive Systems of the University of Klagenfurt. Project development The results of the four sector based market analysis will be used to produce recommendations for the local and regional policy makers, conceived to help in the building process of a common cross border intervention plan to support the ICT offer and implementation. The relationships between lead users and suppliers established through the Tri-ICT activities will be also the basis for collecting at least 12 feasible project ideas Italy-Austria to which the project partnership will give its support. The actions undertaken will be the R&D feasibility study and the research of potential funding instruments. The final project outcome will be the outline of at least one cooperation project idea to be presented for funding. Outcomes The first results of the “TRI-ICT Cooperation between innovative SMEs, Lead Users and support organizations in the field of ICT” are in the e-Health domain. Half points of the first sector inquired (ICT for health) demonstrate the narrow habit to collaborate and thus optimize efforts and investments for lead users (hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) and technology developers (Austria and Italian SMEs) when facing common challenges and constraints. Given these premises the role of the facilitators in both countries becomes even more underlying in attending the way towards the technological innovation, especially in building a cross border homogeneous marketplace.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom