New call on Research-driven Clusters: Find partners through the online RDC Database
TRANS REG NCP, the trans-national network for the Regional National Contact Points, supports all research organizations, enterprises and regional authorities to participate in the programme and to find partners though the new online Research Driven Clusters (RDC) Database (online by 3 August 2009). The "Regions of knowledge" programme aims to strengthen the research potential of European regions, by encouraging and supporting the development, across Europe, of regional "research-driven clusters", associating universities, research centres, enterprises and regional authorities. The actions undertaken in this area will enable European regions to increase their investments and develop their commitment in research which contributes to economic development. In the current call, proposals should support economic development by boosting the competitiveness of health-related economy. Proposals are invited to address the following objective: to analyze and integrate the research agendas of actors in regional clusters, to improve integration of research actors in regional economies through a Joint Action Plan and take measures towards its implementation, as well as to mentor regions of less developed research profile. The total indicative budget for this call is 16.95 million euro. The deadline for submissions is on 14 January 2010. TRANS REG NCP ( provides access to information on research-driven-clusters policies and initiatives, open calls and past funded project, news, events, useful links, etc. The RDC Database facilitates the emergence, operation and benchmarking of research-driven clusters. Validated proposal ideas are disseminated through the Network for highly competitive and successful projects to the EU call. Visit the website and check the opportunities for collaborations, contacts in your country, success stories and a full report on "Research Driven Clusters. Overview on RDC Policies, methods of characterization and examples of best practices" developed by the Network. More information about the Network: National Documentation Centre/NHRF, Georgia Tzenou (e-mail: More information about the programme:
Regions of Knowledge, Clusters
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom