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CORDIS - EU research results
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Content archived on 2023-03-06

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CDPC is a research infrastructure project with a budget of approximately 17 million Euro on a period of 2 years funded through Structural Funds – SECTORAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME “Increase of Economic Competitiveness”.

This multidisciplinary research centre will develop research in the health sector. From 14 specialties, 4 (alergology, neurology, dermatology and histopathology) will run with facilities unique in our country. The other 11 departments will represent excellence centres in their domains. This centre will become the place where the basic and applicative research activities in health domain will be carried out involving young researchers and specialists, as well as the provider of high performance medical services and a centre for the training and qualification for young people (students, residents, specialists, PhD students). The activity of this research centre will contribute to the decrease of the existent gap between the approach of such themes at national level and at European and international level, both with respect to basic research and to the application of results in modern medical practice. Moreover, it will be the starting point for the initiation and development of new and future-oriented fields such as implantology, transplantology or tissue culture. SMEs and Academia, in order to ease their way and implement this type of projects, they can subscribe in SME’s Go Health database, where they will find reliable partners for their research project ideas, but also get connected with other organizations idea all over the Europe and can take advantage of the free help offered by their SGH national contact point, in Romania’s case, FM Management Consultancy SRL.

