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Content archived on 2023-03-23

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HEALTHY FUTURES Profiled in Major New Documentary on Climate and Health in Africa

The HEALTHY FUTURES (Health, Environmental Change and Adaptive Capacity) project has recently been featured in a video documentary entitled Health and Climate Change in Africa.

The documentary was produced by Africa Turns Green, a charity that showcases the work of African green entrepreneurs who are protecting their environment ( This documentary is the last in a series of four reportages which present climate change and water issues in relation to agriculture, ecosystems, natural hazards, health and technologies. It focuses on the collaborative research projects HEALTHY FUTURES ( and QWeCI ( which are funded through the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. Both HEALTHY FUTURES and QWeCI focus on major vector-borne diseases such as malaria, Rift Valley Fever and schistosomiasis and are complementary to each other, with QWeCI focusing on western Africa and HEALTHY FUTURES on eastern Africa. Through the collaboration of European and African researchers, both projects aim to generate greater knowledge on how environmental and socioeconomic factors are impacting on the distribution of the vectors that carry the target diseases. Based on this improved knowledge, the projects are working to develop decision support tools which will enable local health and veterinary services and policy makers to better predict disease outbreaks and therefore improve their adaptive capacity to cope with these target diseases. The documentary is available to view on the HEALTHY FUTURES website: Notes for Editors Detailed partner profiles are available on request. Trinity College Dublin is the coordinator of this project, with AquaTT as the project administrator partner. Prof David Taylor, formerly of Trinity College Dublin and now based at the National University of Singapore, is the Scientific Coordinator of this project. The HEALTHY FUTURES project has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 266327. Contact: Ciara Egan (Project Officer), AquaTT (email:


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