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Content archived on 2023-03-23

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Implementing EU Fishery Policies in the Baltic Sea

Best practices and management strategies for implementation of new EU fishery policies in the Baltic Sea region were discussed by members of the Baltic Sea Regional Advisory Committee (BSRAC) and partners from two EC-funded projects, Myfish and SOCIOEC, at a recent meeting.

The one-day stakeholder workshop, entitled “How to determine long term targets for Baltic Sea multi annual multi species plans”, was jointly organised by partners of the SOCIOEC and Myfish projects and held on 26 June 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. SOCIOEC and Myfish both aim to construct long-term sustainable fisheries management plans and to evaluate different management measures to ensure compliance and sustainability. The Copenhagen event provided an opportunity for debate and discussion with fisheries stakeholders on a number of topics, including the results of modelling the individual behaviour of fishing vessels facing spatial closures (DISPLACE model, presented by Francois Bastardie, from the Technical University of Denmark National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua)) and the possible measures for managing fisheries in their interaction with seals (introduced by Thomas Thøgersen, from the Danish Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO)). As the SOCIOEC project is nearing its end date in February 2015, this meeting provided an ideal opportunity for the partners to present their results and get valuable feedback from the stakeholders. SOCIOEC assistant coordinator Leyre Goti said: “The meeting in Copenhagen was a good chance to get first hand opinions of the industry with regards to management and the information that they would need from us scientists in order to improve it.” The SOCIOEC project aims to focus on the socioeconomic effects of management measures of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The project is developing possible new future measures to be introduced in order to achieve a more profitable and efficient fishing sector that provides sustainable employment, supports society’s aims, and contributes to societal well being. SOCIOEC has recently held a number of other stakeholder meetings, including workshops held in Ancona, Italy, on 31 May 2014, and in Heiligenhafen, Germany, on 15 May 2014. For more information visit the SOCIOEC webpage For press queries, please contact the project communications officer: Christine Shortt, AquaTT (email: Tel: +353 1 644 9008). Notes for Editors The SOCIOEC consortium comprises 25 partners from 12 countries. The THÜNEN Institute of Sea Fisheries is coordinating the project. AquaTT is the project dissemination partner. The project is funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological development (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreement n°289192. The project was launched in March 2012 and is expected to finish in February 2015. Detailed partner profiles are available on request. Myfish is a FP7-funded project which aims to provide an operational framework for the implementation of the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) concept in European waters. For more information about Myfish, visit:


Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom