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Content archived on 2023-03-23

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Kartal Municipality in Turkey plays host to R2CITIES 3rd periodic meeting

The R2CITIES consortium convened in Kartal for its 3rd periodic meeting from 21 to 23 January, welcomed by the Mayor, Dr. Altınok Öz. The visit to the demo site in the Yakacık district, an exploitation workshop and four parallel work sessions turned the meeting into a very interactive occasion for the partners to stock of the project’s progress and lay the basis for future milestones.

The meeting comes at a time when the project is enjoying fresh stability with the integration of new Turkish partners Ekodenge, Mir, Reengen and Solitem, while heading into the retrofit intervention packages on a challenging schedule. As coordinator Rubén García from Fundación CARTIF stated 'We have now made excellent headway in integrating our new partners - all systems are go. However we must remain focused and maintain momentum if we are to fulfil our objectives according to the timeline set out'. The demo sites are currently involved in the tendering processes for the interventions in the cases of Genoa and Kartal and in the public grant procedure in Valladolid. A clear issue underlined by the three demo sites teams is the relevance of taking into account the social acceptance of the interventions by the tenants: the teams are acutely aware of the need to engage directly with tenants as end-users. In the case of the Cuatro de Marzo district in Valladolid, dwelling owners will have to pay for up to 25% of the cost of the retrofitting, and this means careful planning and communication so that they totally buy into the project. And this highlights the wisdom of integrated project delivery (IPD) which involves end-users from an early stage. The meeting, which was hosted by Kartal Municipality, was opened by mayor, Dr. Altınok Öz and R2CITIES coordinator Rubén García. The parallel sessions covered major components in our project’s delivery which are, ultimately, key for its overall success: integrated project delivery, lifecycle analysis and costing, refinement of District Sustainable Indicators and monitoring and decision support systems via an ICT platform. During the trip to Kartal’s Yakacık district Burak Korkmaz, an architect working at Kartal Municipality, showed delegates through the main building set to be retrofitted. The building was designed as a housing complex for the elderly and that it included residents’ flats, common areas, conference rooms. The insulation - despite the building’s relatively young age - and domestic water heating and lighting need to be improved there and throughout the district. All heating systems will also be improved including heat pumps, geothermal drills and solar solutions. Two nearby smaller residential buildings are also part of the R2CITIES retrofit plan. The project’s second exploitation workshop saw Frederik Metzger and Charlotte Schlicke from Steinbeis Europa Zentrum deliver a highly interactive session on IPR management and value propositions. This exercise was part of R2CITIES’ exploitation strand and involved partners getting to grips with matching their backgrounds to exploitation results and detecting results owners. The focus now is on moving to a deeper level with the intervention packages taking shape and being implemented with a renewed drive. Contact: R2CITIES Communication Secretariat – email: R2CITES is coordinated by Fundación CARTIF (Boecillo-Valladolid) and developed in cooperation with the following partners: ABB SPA, Acciona Infraestructuras SA, D’Appolonia SPA, Ekodenge, Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Mir Unique Solutions, Municipality of Genoa, Municipality of Kartal, Officinae Verdi SPA, Onyx Solar Energy SL, Reengen, Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum of the Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, Sociedad Municipal de Suelo y Vivienda de Valladolid SL, Solitem Group, University of Genoa, GEIE. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 314473


Spain, Italy, Türkiye