Issue 62 of the research*eu results magazine – Extreme space weather: let’s get ready
Space weather, in particular so-called extreme space weather events, can have huge consequences for businesses and governments. Important disturbances in sectors like power grids, precision drilling, telecommunications, ground transportation, satellite infrastructure or aviation have been ascribed to space weather in the past, and even essential services like global navigation satellite systems can be vulnerable to major storms. The European Union and the European Space Agency (ESA) have this field of research high on their list of priorities. And for good reason: according to a report recently published by the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies, a solar storm could cause of financial loss of up to EUR 570 billion for the global economy over five years. The ESA, for instance, is working hard on a space weather warning system as part of its Space Situation Awareness programme, whilst some 76 EU-funded research projects related to space weather are indexed on CORDIS. Beyond forecasting the occurrence of space weather events, analysing their impact and developing technologies capable of withstanding the effects of space weather events here on Earth or in orbit, it’s a one of a kind challenge for humanity that the scientific community is trying to solve: that of safe human exploration of the solar system. This issue of the Research*EU Results Magazine sheds light on seven projects tackling these issues. Other topics in this edition include the following highlights: - Advancing therapeutic applications of gene editing - Technology to tackle lower achievement in science and mathematics education - Powering the next-generation of electric vehicles - Breaking the cycle of forest loss in the Amazon - Biopesticides replace toxic chemical sprays - Smart, wearable healthcare devices one step closer to mass production - Robots of tomorrow with intelligent visual capabilities - Jaw-dropping discovery of earth-like planets revealed to the world - Solving real world problems with applied mathematics The research*eu results magazine is the main source of information for all findings related to EU-funded science projects. It covers a large spectrum of scientific topics and is published 10 times per year in English. For more information, sign up for a free subscription and to download the new edition, please visit:
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