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Content archived on 2023-04-13

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Opportunity for space tech companies to accelerate their journey to scaling-up

Deadline extension for SpaceUp's second Space Academy, to be held in Bremen. Apply by 31st August 2019.

SpaceUp is busy planning the second Space Academy, this time to be held in Bremen on 18-19 November. The deadline to apply to get individual high-level services for free has now been extended to 31st August. Companies selected to receive these services will also get a contribution to travel funding as well as having customised advice from experts in the months prior to the Space Academy. All entrepreneurs are welcome to join the Space Academy workshops and get coached in small groups during the first day on six great topics by prominent experts. Participants will learn about investment readiness and relationships, how to be trusted by investors and get funded; types of crowdfunding and how to maximize your impact with the right campaign; hot trends and how new advanced technologies can shape your business; business models; European funds and finding the right funding opportunity in the ocean of the European initiatives; as well as insights on the space ecosystem, how to connect with international space institutions and corporates, and applying to ESA Invitation to Tender (ESA ITT). The individual customised services cover: One-to-one meetings with investors and matter experts; Credit Passport (International creditworthiness certificate); Feasibility study on EU public funding; Business model analysis; Management and human resources analysis; Intellectual property right analysis. The application phase has been extended to 31st August. For more details and to apply visit This event takes place back to back to the Space Tech Expo. Registration (free) to the Space Tech Expo is also required in order to participate in the Space Academy.


Space, aviation, deepTech, highTech, SMEs, entrepreneurs

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