Remote sensing of tropical biomass burning in West Africa (JRC)
The Joint Research Centre of the European Communities (Ispra Establishment) has launched a call for proposals related to the different activities of its project "European airborne remote-sensing capabilities" (EARSEC), the investigation of the problem of tropical biomass burning in West Africa as a first phase in the joint CEC/ESA project TRESS, the testing and verification of new methods of remote sensing, and activities to complement the CORINE land-use database on soil erosion.Precise information about the detailed activities, technical specifications, etc. can be found in a document entitled "General conditions and detailed specifications: European airborne remote-sensing experiments", available from: Joint Research Centre of the European Communities Attn. Mr R.G. CRANDON (T.P. 441) Institute for Remote-Sensing Applications, EARSEC call for proposals I-21020 Ispra (VA) Telex 380042 EUR I; Fax +39-332-789536