The end of DIRECTION as a project, but the dawn of a smart way forward for nearly zero energy buildings
We have been successful in mapping out a framework for designing and constructing new buildings with very low energy consumption. However, now that we have arrived at the end of this adventure, the project’s true success will no longer be solely in the hands of our consortium. Only if the legacy of our work is replicated and enriched on an ever-larger scale will we be able to talk of success. This is why these last few weeks have been dedicated to putting together our findings in an easy-to-use format. Our insights cover a huge area, ranging from renewable energy sources and performance assessments to user behaviour analysis and supporting the next generation of CEN standards. Today we have online a Best Practices Book, encapsulating these insights, as well as a storytelling video to draw you into the achievements of DIRECTION in real settings. Further videos showcase our demo buildings and explain how such buildings can play a crucial role in keeping global warming below 2oC. Our new project brochure is also available online in scrollable or downloadable formats. It features a summary of the project’s key findings and benefits for stakeholders. In the deliverables section of the website you can find 25 reports detailing the strategies adopted and achievements in different areas of DIRECTION’s holistic approach to low energy in new buildings. Much of this material, along with a guide for low energy buildings, is also available on a USB device. Furthermore we have been uploading interviews by our experts where they deliver their insights and discuss the market outlook for nZEBs (nearly Zero Energy Buildings) and the challenges ahead in making such buildings mainstream. The two demonstration buildings used in DIRECTION, NuOffice in Germany and CARTIF III in Spain, will of course live on and they are already benchmarks for other buildings including the Black Monolith in Bolzano, NuOffice 2 and NuOffice 3 in Munich which are going ahead and drawing on our solutions. We hope these ‘live’ demonstrations will help raise the game of nZEBs across Europe and beyond in the spirit of the recent COP21 since the building sector today contributes up to 40% of greenhouse gas emissions. The demo buildings have enabled us to explore a range of pioneering technical solutions alongside economic analysis, all of which are now there for the taking. Lastly, you can continue to consult the website where all the project findings are available free of charge and you can access news and participate in the discussions of our LinkedIn group.
DIRECTION, project, NZEBs, nearly zero energy buildings, low energy buildings, energy efficiency, sustainability, best practices, results, strategy, emissions
Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy