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Tenth ProTon Europe Convention in Liège, Belgium

"The role of University global access licensing in increasing access to Biomedical research results" at the Tenth ProTon Europe Convention, Liège (Belgium) 19-21 September 2012

In collaboration with LIEU NETWORK (Liaison Entreprises-Universités) and the University of Liège, the Tenth ProTon Europe Convention will be held on the 19 to 21 September 2012 in Liège, Belgium. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME The annual convention focuses on two main goals: - To foster the evolution of the profession from a pure technology transfer approach to a wider exchange of knowledge within TTOs, with all the university stakeholders, governments, research centers and with industry. - Europe consistently falls short in turning R&D results into commercial opportunities, innovations and jobs; industry and the EC are demanding improved systems and methodologies for knowledge generation, capture and transfer both within FP7 and the upcoming successor program - HORIZON 2020. Wednesday 19 September, 2012, Pre-convention Workshop • Venue of the workshop: LIEGE science park, Interface Entreprises-Université, 4 Avenue Pré-Aily, B- 4031 Liège (Angleur) 14.30 – 17.30 How European associations in KT can support national associations and their members? Existing national associations of TTOs and those in process of formation, will debate and exchange their views and tips on the obstacles they are facing and on their expectations from European Associations in KT to help them at a national level. Giancarlo CARATTI, Head of intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Unit, Joint Research Centre, European commission (B): European TTO Circle and national associations of TTOs 16.00 – 16.30 Coffee Break 16.30 – 17.30 Enhancing Technology Transfer at Universities through collaboration with Patent Offices Vincent LAMANDE, President Ouest Valorisation SAS, Rennes (F) Nicolas PENET, Director Transfer and Valorisation at INSAVALOR, Lyon (F) Noël CAMPLING, Director know-How, European Patent Academy, Munich (D) Representatives of National Patent Offices 19.00 – 21.30 Drinks reception and welcome by the host organization to all participants to the convention. Visit of the exhibition “Golden Sixties: I was 20 in the 60s”at the railway station" Gare des Guillemins” designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava Valls and Belgian beer tasting. Transport of the workshop’s participants to the exhibition. Thursday 20 September, 2012: ProTon Europe Convention “From Technology Transfer to Knowledge Exchange: a key role for KTOs in the agenda “Horizon 2020 “ • Venue of the convention : Academic Hall of the University of Liège, Place du 20-Août 4000 Liège (City Centre) 08.30 – 09.00 Welcome Coffee 09.00 – 10.00 Opening Session Pr Bernard RENTIER, Rector of the University of Liège, Professor at the Life Sciences Department, head of the Fundamental Virology and Viral Immunology Laboratory Dr Ir Michel MORANT, Head of the Technology Transfer Office of the University of Liège, President of the Board of Proton Europe Jean-Marc NOLLET, Vice-President of the Federation Wallonia - Brussels Government, Minister in charge of Research (video) Maire GEOGHAN-QUINN, Member of the European Commission, Commissioner in charge of Research, Innovation and Science, (video) 10.00 – 11.15 Session 1: Knowledge transfer in Europe: what's going on in Europe?  Dr Ann-Pascale BIJNENS, Head of the Tech Transfer of the University of Hasselt (B), presentation of TTO Flanders, network of the Dutch speaking Belgian Universities  Marc OSTERRIETH, Coordinator of Liaison Entreprises-Universités (LIEU) (B), network of the French speaking Belgian Universities  Nicolas CARBONI, President of SATT Conectus (Alsace) (F), Curie Network, the new deal in France with the setting-up of regional TTOs, a SWOT analysis  Dr David BEMBO, Assistant Director R&D, Cardiff University (UK) AURIL,: 'open access' to data and research impact issues for Knowledge Exchange activities  Netval Network representative 11.15 – 11.30 Coffee Break 11.30 – 12.00 Keynote Speaker: Bret CORNWELL (TBC) Associate Vice Chancellor for Commercialization at the Texas A&M University System, Adjunct Lecturer – McCombs School at University of Texas at Austin, Director at Aggie Angel Network. His courses focus on technology screening and evaluation, venture planning and evaluation. He has led a number of international technology commercialization benchmarking and training projects in the USA and Europe. Brett was a program coordinator for the NASA Mid-Continent Technology Transfer Center for ten years and served as the Deputy Director for three. 12.00 – 13.00 Session 2: Metrics and Impact measurements  Dr Andrea PICCALUGA, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, (I) Presentation of the Proton’ survey 2011.  Aalborg University: Matrics programme on innovation  How can quantitative data be consolidated by qualitative data, such as the impact on the society. 13.00 – 14.15 Lunch 14.15 - 15.30 Session 3: Quality approach in TTO's  Carme VERDAGUER, Director of the Bosh i Gimpera Foundation, at the University of Barcelona (UB) (E), How a peer review can improve the professionalization of TTOs: position of the peer reviewer  Pierre CORNUT, Head of TTO of the University of Mons (B) position of the peer reviewed  Quality assessment methodologies, peer review, quality systems, certification of TTO's 15.30 – 16.45 Session 4: Training and certification of professionals  Dr Patrick FRAIN, University College Dublin (UCD) (IRL), coordinator of the European Knowledge Transfer Society international association (EUKTS aisbl)  Dr Michael BORONOWSKY, Managing Director TZI – University of Bremen (D), InnoSPICE, an ISO Standard Based Model for Quality Management of innovation, Knowledge and Technology Transfer  Françoise MOISAND, Secretary General of CURIE (F): Training of sessions of TTOs must not forget to involve industry specialists  ATTP’s approach  Role of national associations to foster the professionalization. 16.45 – 17.00 Coffee Break 17.00 – 18.30 General Assembly of ProTon Europe aisbl in the Academic Hall 19.30 – 22.30 Convention Dinner, at the Palace of the Prince-Bishops of Liège, Place Saint-Lambert (TBC). Friday 21 September, 2012 09.00 – 09.15 Jean-Claude MARCOURT, Vice-President of the Federation Wallonia – Brussels Government, Minister in charge of Economy, New Technologies and Higher Education in Wallonia. How to develop creativity and the spirit of entrepreneurship in the society and in higher education? 09.15 – 11.15 Session 5: From a tech transfer approach to a knowledge exchange approach, in collaboration with TII asbl Luxembourg  Dr Gillian E. McFADZEAN, Director Research & Enterprise, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, (UK) Creating Entrepreneurs is Knowledge Exchange not TT  Dr Ir Michel MORANT, University of Liège, (B), Liège creative- a new experience for boosting creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship on campus.  John WHELAN, Technology Transfer Case Manager (ICT) at Trinity College, Bublin (IRL), the Open Source paradox and knowledge transfer  Lukas FENDEL, Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM), Berlin (D), The role of University global access licensing in increasing access to Biomedical  Bill WALKER, Director Knowledge Exchange, the Enterprise Centre, University of Hull, (UK), How the University of Hull embraced a two-way nature of Knowledge Exchange with strategic partners in the city of Hull  Lidia BORRELL, Senior Program Manager, Research & Innovation, at European University Association (EUA), Brussels (B): European universities in partnerships for knowledge exchange and innovation: strategies and outcomes  Prof. Koenraad DEBACKERE, K.U. Leuven (B), League of European Research Universities (LERU): The TTO, a university engine transforming science into innovation  Aalborg University (DK):The Knowledge Exchange system at Aalborg University 11.15 – 11.30 Coffee break 11.30 – 12.45 Session 6: Towards a deeper involvement of TTO's in EU projects?, in collaboration with TII asbl Luxembourg  David MURPHY, Manager of AquaTT, Ireland, How do we get more Innovation from Research: set of recommendations on how Horizon 2020 and Member State programs could potentially overcome barriers to innovation from research through adjustments to the research governance system. Dr Alessia MELASECCHE, META Group, Rome (I): ESIC 2, set of services provided to ongoing projects in the nanotechnology sector to increase knowledge transfer potential.  Peter DROELL, (TBC) Head of Unite Innovation Policy, DG Research. Horizon 2020, the new framework program for Research & Innovation will start in 2014. How can we still influence it? The EC expectations on applicable results appear more practical: how to increase research results being transformed into profitable IP and business?  Dr Alessia MELASECCHE, META Group, Rome (I): ESIC 2, set of services provided to ongoing projects in the nanotechnology sector to increase knowledge transfer potential. 12.45 - 13.15 Closing session Conference wrap-up and reading of the Liège Statement by Dr Ir Michel MORANT, ProTon Europe Chair 13.15 – 14.30 Working lunch and networking 14.30 Departure REGISTRATION The updated programme is available on : Registration for the conference should be done exclusively via the on-line booking facility at: and follow the links. On receipt of your registration, the secretariat will send you a message by e-mail, confirming your attendance and will invoice you the fee. ACCOMODATION A block booking of 80 rooms has been reserved up to the 30th of June 2012 in 3 hotels in different price categories, ranging from 82 € to 99 € for a single room, and from 96 € to 115 € for a double room. By the 1st of July 2012 the prices in these hotels may change. We recommend you our special deals with Mercure Hotel, Alliance Hotel or Ibis Hotel (see and use attached forms for rates and reservation) at : CONTACT General contacts and sponsoring: ProTon Europe aisbl: José SYNE, Secretary General at , tel. +352 661 123 670 Follow-up with the speakers: Nathalie FALLY, Research administration of the Catholic University of Louvain, at: , tel. +32 10 47 25 63


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