EU Lead Factory - Early Career Researcher Event 2016
The EU Lead Factory acknowledges the need for open exchange between researchers with different professional background and puts a focus on the career development of young scientists. Therefore the Chemistry Consortium of the European Lead Factory annually invites young talented EU Lead Factory Chemists from participating SMEs and Academic Institutions to present their scientific work, interact with their colleagues and liaise with representatives from participating EFPIA and SME partners. For this year’s event in January and in response to an expressed interest within the Chemistry Community, we invited Early Career Researchers from the consortium and the wider European Scientific Community for a 2-day meeting on latest advances in Medicinal and Synthetic Chemistry with relevance to pharmaceutical Drug Development. The programme was extended to offer a workshop about the rationale of high quality library design for Drug Discovery as well as a Career Opportunity Session with representatives from academia, pharma, SME. The meeting was deemed a large success by all involved and #EULeadFactory hopes to continue the tradition of fostering networking between academia, SMEs and industry and providing young talents a chance to present their work. Listen to what participants and organizers have to say about the event at
IMI, Drug Discovery, public-private-partnership, early career, uHTS screening, compound library
Belgium, Germany, Denmark, France, Hungary, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom