INNOVATIONSEEDS: A new service featuring environmental R&D results and funding opportunities
INNOVATIONSEEDS users can find appropriate solutions in areas such as eco-design, water, waste, climate change and natural hazards. The INNOVATIONSEEDS service is targeted at industry, and companies can shop for knowledge and technologies for fast uptake and integration into business. Also policy makers will find relevant tools, databases and guides addressing a wide range of societal challenges developed by top-notch European scientists. Project Coordinator Katharina Krell underlines: “What makes INNOVATIONSEEDS unique is the quality of information. There is no copy-paste, all information is specially prepared by our experts with the aim to help potential users understand how a given research result can be relevant to them”. The environmental R&D results are gathered in a Virtual Library where potential functionalities are highlighted and intuitively linked to allow quick navigation across subject areas. In addition, researchers and knowledge owners are invited to send their R&D results to be featured in the Virtual Library for professional promotion. INNOVATIONSEEDS also hosts an eco-innovation funding guide: an intelligent navigation system to guide eco-innovation stakeholders to the most appropriate opportunities amongst 300 private and public funding schemes. An on-line helpdesk will also be available to help SMEs through the application procedure. INNOVATIONSEEDS: Maximising the value of environmental research! For more information:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom