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Content archived on 2023-03-24

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FORCE Project final outcomes

The FORCE project is a project funded by the EC to examine previous Security foresight studies and horizon-scanning activities in Europe and produce a corresponding Foresight Exploration Model and Intelligent Decision Support System.This tool shall assist policy makers and stakeholders in the security domain in determining expectations about short-term,mid-term and long-term social and technological trends using methodologies and information from past,current,future foresight research activities

Final Outcomes The FORCE project ended on 31st March 2016. The main outcome of the project is the IDSS ( Public access is available using the username: guest and password: guest. For a quick insight into the FORCE project and IDSS a video has been produced. Watch it at Additional public deliverables have been uploaded onto the FORCE website ( - D3.1 Review and mapping of methodologies for effective evaluation of future security risks to society This deliverable includes the results of reviewing and mapping of 24 recent EU security foresight projects and studies as well as some insights based on other publications related to security foresight. Efforts were made to enrich the information sources through scanning national and international foresight networks. It is intended to provide a metadata that will enable the development of the foresight model and the decision support tool later in the project. - D3.3 Report on Knowledge Elicitation from Experts (Interviews) Between October 2014 and January 2015, 18 in-depth interviews were conducted to identify the needs and expectations of stakeholders towards a security foresight Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS). These interviews targeted first of all senior officers from police organisations, security agencies and ministries of interior. Interviews also included research centres and international organisations in the area of security. The aim was to gain valuable inputs into the design requirements of the FORCE Decision Support System, with a better understanding of security foresight activities, needs and expectations of targeted users. The interest on security foresight was underlined by a significant majority of interviewees. Indeed, 15 out of 18 interviewees declared that foresight has high or medium added-value in setting policy and strategy for their organisation. However, the existence of a specific foresight service within the organisation remains uncommon. Foresight activities are in general part of services with a wider scope, such as innovation, technology or international relations. Moreover, foresight topics are often addressed in transversal groups. The usual way to transmit foresight results to decision makers is through internal papers and reports, as well as through informal meetings. - D5.1 Report of software selection criteria This report is intended to be the first step in the design and development of an IDSS aimed to fulfil the overall goals of the project FORCE. The FORCE IDSS has been conceived as an interactive software-based system intended to help decisions makers (DM) solve problems and make decisions in a precise security domain. The final outcome is an evolvable, customizable, highly interactive tool for supporting the decision making process in the security domain. Additional information can be found at:


foresight, security


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