Critical Raw Materials Innovation Network (CRM_InnoNet) launched
CRM_InnoNet will create an integrated community that will drive innovation in the field of Critical Raw Material substitution for the benefit of EU industry. Securing availability and access to Critical Raw Materials constitutes a strategic objective for the EU political and economic agenda. The scarcity of Critical Raw Materials, together with their economic importance, makes it necessary to explore new avenues towards their possible substitution in order to reduce the EU’s consumption and decrease the relative dependence upon imports. The project will survey current EU initiatives in the field of substitution of Critical Raw Materials, produce a methodology for prioritisation of ‘threatened’ applications and deliver a Critical Raw Materials Substitution Roadmap. A Pole of Excellence for substitution of Critical Raw Materials will be created to provide a dynamic, open and proactive platform for the entire stakeholder community. An interactive website will be created to allow engagement of the diverse substitution community with the project. Finally, the project team, in collaboration with the Pole of Excellence, will prepare recommendations, future initiative ideas and suggested actions for policy makers. The CRM_InnoNet consortium is comprised of recognised and experienced key actors across the value chain of substitution of Critical Raw Materials representing academic, research and industry bodies of relevant sectors that will ensure a wide European coverage and high potential to engage other necessary players across the European Research Area. The project is being coordinated by Chemistry Innovation Ltd. To register your interest in receiving further information about this project, please contact
Materials Security
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom