Navigating towards shared responsibility in research and innovation
Res-AGorA: Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed Anticipatory Governance Frame. A Constructive Socio-normative Approach. Res-AGorA is a three-year, EU FP7 project (2013-2016) which has co-constructed with practitioners and strategic decision makers a good-practice framework, the “Responsibility Navigator” which facilitates reflective processes involving multiple kinds of stakeholders and policy-makers towards the generic aim of making European research and innovation more responsible, responsive, and sustainable. The development of this framework builds on three years of intensive empirical research comprising: an extensive programme of in-depth case-studies; systematic ‘scientometric’ literature analysis; country-level monitoring (RRI-trends) and five broad-based co-construction stakeholder workshops. As it is the intention of the Res-AGorA project to inspire and contribute to shared responsibility in future research and innovation in Europe, the results and findings have been designed and published in different types of presentations: The website is the platform for the core information of the Res-AGorA project. The website contains the deliverables, publications, contact information and the wide range of the results presentations: The e-paper book: Navigating Towards Shared Responsibility in Research and Innovation Approach, Process and Results of the Res-AGorA Project. The book presents the results of “Res-AGorA” with the objective to develop a comprehensive governance framework for responsible research and innovation. As such the book is part of and contributes to the vibrant debate on how to translate the ambitious aims of excellent science, competitive industry and a better society into principles for responsible research and innovation – without compromising on sustainability goals or ethically acceptable and socially desirable conditions. The e-paper book can be accessed at The “Responsibility Navigator” Why, what, how? The Res-AGorA Responsibility Navigator is conceived as a means to provide orientation without normatively steering research and innovation in a specific direction. The Responsibility Navigator presents ten governance principles and requirements for responsibilization. The Responsibility Navigator can be downloaded as a booklet or is available as a web distribution. GET the Res-AGorA Responsibility Navigator at The RRI Co-construction Method This method offers a practical way to work with the Responsibility Navigator. An on-line manual provides stepwise instructions on how to design an RRI workshop in your own organisation or context by using the RRI Co-construction Method. The Co-construction Method is an open source design for all RRI-developers to take in. The RRI Co-construction can be downloaded as a booklet or is available as a web distribution. GET the RRI Co-construction Method at Res-AGorA Policy Note #1_RRI in the Making The purpose of this brief is to summarise for policy and other stakeholder audiences the extensive empirical research which informed the Res-AGorA team’s understanding of ‘RRI-in-the-making’, highlighting the key lessons and policy implications of our work. Res-AGorA Policy Note #2 Navigating towards RRI Research and innovation activities need to become more responsive to societal challenges and concerns. This requires identification, development and implementation of measures and procedures transforming research and innovation in a way that responsibility becomes an institutionalized ambition. Res-AGorA Policy Note # 3 Results and Outputs – Bringing it all together The objective of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is to make research and innovation more ‘responsible’ – responsive, inclusive and sustainable, with reference to the societal, technological, political and economic challenges and opportunities Europe is facing. The question is: How to make this happen?
Responsible, Research, Innovation
Austria, Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom