EU project BLUEPRINT publishes a film on Big Data and the First Epigenetic Map of Human Blood Cells
In the recently released film on Big data and the first epigenetic map of human blood cells, the complexity of the data as well as the risks of data sharing are also mentioned. Ethical aspects of data sharing are topic of a working group of the International Human Epigenome Consortium ( In 2015, a paper was published on this topic and a newsletter about this publication is available via the BLUEPRINT website ( - Balancing accessibility and privacy for epigenomic data). In the last couple of months, the BLUEPRINT project is releasing four short films, illustrating important aspects of the project. Whereas the first film gave an overview of what was achieved in the first 4 years of the project (with still one more year to go until the end of the project), an additional three films cover more specific topics of this High Impact FP-health project. Given that the BLUEPRINT project set out with the goal to generate at least 100 reference epigenomes of healthy human blood cells and of their diseased counterparts, two films address the topics "Epigenetic Basis of Blood Diseases" and "Big Data & the First Epigenetic Atlas of Blood Cells (recently released). In the oncoming weeks, the last film about "BLUEPRINT as a large network project" will be released. The films are available on the BLUEPRINT website ( Here also a film produced at the start of the project can be viewed. About BLUEPRINT Coordinated by Prof. Henk Stunnenberg from Radboud University (Department of Molecular Biology) BLUEPRINT involves an international consortium comprising 39 leading European universities, research institutes and industry entrepreneurs. Funded under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration (Grant Agreement No 282510), BLUEPRINT is the European contribution to the International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC)( an international research cooperation effort in the field of epigenomics gathering research teams and funding agencies around the globe.
Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom