Proceedings give update on photovoltaic solar energy conversion
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre, has recently published the proceedings of the 2nd world conference on photovoltaic (PV) solar energy conversion, which was held in Vienna between 6 and 10 July 1998. This event combined the 15th European PV solar energy conference, the 27th US IEEE PV specialists' conference, and the 10th Asia/Pacific PV science and engineering conference. The proceedings of this conference, (lauded for lifting PV into a new dimension, by drawing together more than 2400 experts from 75 countries) are published in three volumes, devoted to the following subject areas: - Volume I: - - Fundamentals, novel devices and new materials; - - Thin-film cells and technologies; - Volume II: - - Crystalline silicon solar cells and technologies; - - PV modules and components of PV systems; - - Late news; - Volume III: - - Grid-connected systems; - - Stand-alone systems and their application; - - Implementation and financing schemes; - - Space cells and systems. The conference was supported by the European Commission's Directorate General XVII THERMIE programme.