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Content archived on 2023-03-24

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ECsafeSEAFOOD Final Event: Seafood Safety – New Findings & Innovation Challenges

The EU-funded ECsafeSEAFOOD project will host a stakeholder event and open science meeting at the Royal Flemish Academy of Science and Art in Brussels, Belgium, from 25-26 January 2017. The conference, entitled ‘Seafood Safety: New Findings & Innovation Challenges’ is a unique event that marks the end of the ECsafeSEAFOOD project which has assessed food safety issues related to non-regulated contaminants present in seafood as a result of environmental contamination and evaluated their impact on

Seafood has been recognised as a high-quality, healthy and safe food type and is one of the most important food commodities consumed worldwide. However, seafood, like other types of food, can also be a source of harmful environmental contaminants with potential to impact on human health. To address these issues, ECsafeSEAFOOD provides scientific evidence to serve as a basis for further development of seafood safety, public health and environmental policies and measures, by seeking to establish a quantitative link between the contamination of the marine environment and that of seafood. Conference participants will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge on seafood safety, identify the key issues associated with seafood safety in Europe and discuss strategies to mitigate these risks, debate seafood safety risks and challenges, and network with food safety experts. A diverse set of topics will be discussed during Seafood Safety – New Findings & Innovation Challenges, including: consumer concerns and needs; marine toxins in seafood and the environment; toxicity and modelling of seafood contaminants; rapid detection tools for environmental contaminants; quality assurance of seafood monitoring data; the future of seafood safety; communication outreach and education. For more information about this event and to pre-register, please visit or contact Deadline for registration: 15 January 2017 (early bird until 25 November 2016). Abstract submission deadline: 15 October 2016. Download the Seafood Safety – New Findings & Innovation Challenges flyer. For all the latest updates as the event approaches please visit our conference webpage and follow us on Twitter (@ECsafeSEAFOOD). Notes for Editors The Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA, I.P.) is coordinating the project. The ECsafeSEAFOOD project was launched in February 2013 and is funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological development (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement n°311820. The ECsafeSEAFOOD consortium comprises 18 partner organisations from 10 countries. The partnership includes SMEs in order to facilitate the transfer and uptake of research by interested parties. The project is divided into scientific work packages that will address the project’s objectives. Additionally, there are work packages for project coordination and project dissemination. Dr Antonio Marques, ECsafeSEAFOOD coordinator, is researcher at the Division of Aquaculture and Seafood Upgrading (DivAV) of IPMA. He has been involved in the coordination of several European and regional funded projects on seafood quality and safety (chemical contaminants and microbiology), and in the application of new technologies to improve seafood quality and safety. AquaTT is responsible for the project’s dissemination and knowledge transfer. For press queries, please contact the project’s communications officer: Tanja Calis, AquaTT (email: Tel: +353 1 644 9008).


Seafood, Seafood safety


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