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Content archived on 2023-03-24

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Conference in French : Artificial Intelligence - from Big Data to human brain / Intelligence artificielle - des Big Data au cerveau

Conference by Professor Jean Gabriel GANASCIA Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris 6 Place : Maison de l'AX, 5 rue Descartes, 75005 Paris, France Date : September 12, 2016 Time : 17:00

Summary : The AlphaGo programme, Google autonomous car, speech recognition software Siri, user profiling, facial recognition... countless flagship applications of artificial intelligence are now using deep learning, that is to say artificial neural networks trained on large amounts of data (i.e. Big data). How can these formal neurons be linked with the neurons of our brain? This is the question we will try to bring to light by giving an overview of artificial intelligence, of the perspectives it opens, of the transformations it induces and of the misunderstandings that it underlies. Recent references : • Chapouthier G., Ganascia J.-G. Naccache L., Picq P., Que reste-t-il du propre de l'homme?, Les Presses de l'ENSTA, 2012 • Ganascia J.-G. Voir et pouvoir: qui nous surveille? Editions le pommier, 2009. • Ganascia J.-G. Idées reçues sur l’intelligence artificielle, Le cavalier bleu, 2007 • Ganascia J.-G. Les sciences cognitives, Editions le pommier, 2006


Big Data, Artificial intelligence

