Green paper on public sector information will explore vast potentials
During a meeting of the Council of the European Union, Acting Commissioner Martin Bangemann stressed that the recently adopted Green Paper on public sector information in the information society, is intended to launch broad consultation on new ways of exploiting the vast potential of the information held by public services across Europe. Mr Bangemann also recalled the objectives of the public consultation regarding the Green Paper on Radio Spectrum Policy, on which the Commission requested reactions by 15 April 1999. Radio spectrum has become an increasingly scarce commodity of considerable economic and political importance. The issues on which the Green Paper requested comments relate to the following: - Strategic planning of the use of radio frequencies; - Harmonization of radio spectrum allocation; - Radio spectrum assignment and licensing; - Radio equipment and standards; - The institutional framework for radio spectrum coordination. The Council asked the Commission to bring forward, still within its remaining term of office, a communication on the results of the public consultation.