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Content archived on 2023-03-24

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EU-funded FP7 R4SMEs RECOICE project successfully concluded

The EU-funded RECOICE project was successfully concluded in June 2016. Project partners of the consortium met at the end of June in Gorizia, Italy, to evaluate the prepared prototype and to discuss further steps of future market entry.

The Europe 2020 Strategy aims to achieve sustainable development, which includes efficiency enhancing too. In line with these requirements, there is a continuous drive towards low energy, environmentally friendly solutions, which can provide a reduced carbon footprint. The RECOICE project will provide such a solution for fishing vessels, generating the ice maker power from waste heat, scavenged from the engine's exhaust pipe. RECOICE, the onboard liquid ice-making system will: • use waste energy to operate without additional power source • recover energy from the exhaust pipe by a heat exchanger, a Stirling-engine which will generate the necessary power to run the cooling unit of the system • be affordable The advantages will be: • improved quality of fish • saved fuel • changed fishing cycle benefits • it is not necessary to carry big load of ice from the port • ice prepared permanently has a constant quality and melting ice can be easily replaced • liquid or slurry ice can be prepared, ensuring conservation of the catch without damage • an average vessel could save up to 5 500 euros on diesel oil a year using RECOICE • savings on diesel oil imply reduction of environmental impact, CO2 emissions According to Albert Holtland, owner of a Belgian fishing vessel and also partner of the project, 95% of the ships that are in the European Union do not have ice making machines on board, so the RECOICE device would be of big help to them. The project consisting of nine partners received founding from the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union to accomplish its aims between 2014 and 2016 (GA no. 605286). The 30 months long project was coordinated by ATEKNEA Solutions Hungary Kft. with the involvement of: Innovative Technological Systems SLR, MW-Innovation AB, Cooltech GMBH, Naval Architecture Progress, BVBA Verleene, Ateknea Solutions Catalonia and ASSE SRL. For further information, please visit the project website:


RECOICE, fishing, icemachine


Germany, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden