Interactive OLED data eyeglasses wins INNOVATION AWARD IT 2013
On March 5th, 2013 the Innovation Award IT 2013, awarded by the “Initiative of medium-sized businesses”, was presented to the winners during the CeBIT 2013, in Hanover/Germany. The interactive OLED data eyeglasses wins the award in the category “hardware”. Dr. Rigo Herold, system designer at Fraunhofer COMEDD, who has developed the data eyeglasses principally, is pleased about such recognition of his work: “This award shows especially that - apart from Google - intensive research on data eyeglasses is done also in Germany. However, our OLED data eyeglasses have a sensational unique feature: They can be gaze-controlled by the user´s eyes. My special thanks go as well to our partners Fraunhofer IOSB and Trivisio.“ The OLED data eyeglasses of Fraunhofer COMEDD convinced a professional jury of 100 professors, scientists, industrial representatives, IT experts and journalists since they meet all requirements: They are innovative, have practical relevance and are especially suitable for medium-sized companies. Meanwhile the Innovation Award IT has been awarded to medium-sized businesses for the best IT solutions for 10 years. In its anniversary year the Innovation Award IT is more than ever dedicated to the motto "We share Innovation". Altogether there were 4,900 submissions in 40 categories. On the one hand the glasses enable the user to have a view on the real world and on the other hand to display further virtual information. The embedded camera of the microdisplay captures the eye movements of the user so that he can control and interact with the virtual shown information, similar to a computer mouse. Apart from Fraunhofer COMEDD the development team included Fraunhofer IOSB being responsible for the eye-tracking and Trivisio Prototyping GmbH for the optics design. Data eye-glasses are used in a broad range of different applications, e. g. medical applications or to support hand-free assembly work – they are useful for all hand-free applications where additional information are needed. For the evaluation of the technology and the development of customized products Fraunhofer COMEDD offers evaluation kits. For more information please have a look at:
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