PaaSage outcomes to be demonstrated at the Future of Clouds Conference in Budapest
PaaSage is an integrated open source development environment to support both design and deployment of Cloud applications, together with an accompanying methodology that allows model-based development, configuration, optimisation and deployment of existing and new applications independently of the existing underlying Cloud infrastructures. PaaSage is extensively relying on the Cloud Application Modelling and Execution Language (in short CAMEL, see The PaaSage platform and the CAMEL language are the main outcomes of the PaaSage initiative, a large scale research project grouping major EU research organisations, industries, SME and technology transfer centres, co-funded by the European Commission from 2012 to 2016. The PaaSage project has produced several demonstrators and tutorials that are available, as is the whole technical documentation and code, from The PaaSage platform makes it easy for IT departments to deploy applications and processes onto various public or private Cloud infrastructures, and to dynamically adapt the application execution if needed, e.g. in case additional computational resources are required at runtime. “Cloud provider dependency is a major obstacle for application providers with worldwide customers. PaaSage gives the freedom to model the application independently of the Cloud providers, which are selected afterwards by the PaaSage platform according to the requirements.” declares Stefan Spahr, Software Architect at Lufthansa Systems. According to Dirk Muthig, Head of CTO & Innovations at Lufthansa Systems, “Within the framework of the Horizon 2020 and FP7 Programs, leading universities and IT experts of Europe investigate the major potentials of Cloud computing and test revolutionary new solutions for modelling, monitoring and safety. At the Future of Clouds Conference, we introduce the results as well as the goals of the program and present its applicability in multiple industries.”
Cloud, PaaS, Research
Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, France, Norway, Poland, United Kingdom