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Content archived on 2023-03-24

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Final Outputs of the MaCuMBA Project Available in its Legacy Brochure

The final key outcomes of the MaCuMBA (Marine Microorganisms: Cultivation Methods for Improving their Biotechnological Applications) project have been released in the project’s Legacy Brochure, available to download from:

MaCuMBA was a 4 year EC FP7-funded project that focused on uncovering the untold diversity of marine microbes using cultivation-dependent strategies. To face those challenges, microbiologists from various European research centres and pharmaceutical and biotech companies joined hands to develop revolutionary new methods to isolate and cultivate marine microorganisms that up until that point had been considered “ungrowable”, and at a much faster rate than previously possible. In joining science and industry, MaCuMBA strove to bridge the gap from discovery to the market, to generate a more direct impact on research and development and to provide new products and services to the benefit of human society. The MaCuMBA Legacy Brochure covers the key outcomes of the project including the innovative approaches for isolating microorganisms, improvements of culture efficiency and the development of high throughput techniques and tools. Other highlights included innovative findings on cell-to-cell communication in community cultures, investigations into extreme habitats, advances in genetic and industrial screening and the dissemination and long-term preservation of the strains in culture collections. MaCuMBA offered opportunities in terms of microbial systems and isolates, novel methods and technical platforms for seeking novel marine active compounds. Thanks to the particular methods, approaches, techniques, apparatus and tools that were developed by MaCuMBA, many more spectacular results are expected to emerge in the coming years. For more information about MaCuMBA or its Legacy Brochure, please visit: or contact Marieke Reuver, email: For all the latest updates from the project please follow MaCuMBA on Twitter (@MaCuMBAProject) and like it on Facebook ( Notes for Editors MaCuMBA was coordinated by the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) and was a joint venture of 22 partner institutions from 12 EU countries. MaCuMBA aimed to improve the isolation rate and growth efficiency of marine microorganisms from conventional and extreme habitats by applying innovative methods and using automated high-throughput procedures. AquaTT was the communication and dissemination partner for the project. For more information and press queries, contact Marieke Reuver, AquaTT Programme Manager, email: Detailed partner profiles are available on request.


microorganisms, microbes, cultivation methods, microbial systems, novel methods, technical platforms


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