Neiker-Tecnalia will carry out a trial to find out the effectiveness of biocides against <i>Vespa velutina </i>
The Monitoring Committee, which has been fighting to control this pest in the Basque Autonomous Community, has agreed to develop, through Neiker-Tecnalia, a controlled trial to assess the potential effectiveness on this insect of biocides tested in Chile for the . This process will be carried out through the placing and controlled monitoring of baits, thus seeking to minimize the effects on other insect populations, birds and vertebrates. Another of the steps will make it possible to find out the effect the Asian hornet is having on the viability and production of beehives by analysing the location of the nests and determining its expansion and advances. The Basque Government has initially earmarked 45,000 euros to fund these steps and has proposed action protocols with each of the parties involved in order to achieve progress.