Intelligent and efficient management system for water resources in urban areas
The project will integrate high quality and already proven solutions for data management and billing systems, with innovative models for forecasting water supply availability, predicting customers’ demand and detecting leakages, it also gathers real measured data from sensors connected to the water network infrastructure. It will develop spatial tools based on strong know-how from previous developments in the field of supporting distributors and authorities in decision-making. Furthermore, the project will develop innovative solutions to empower customers and efficiently integrate them in the UrbanWater platform. The UrbanWater platform will incorporate: • water availability estimations based on weather prediction and surface water reserves (e.g. reservoirs) data • demand estimations based on household consumption data and consumption patterns and models • water distribution network data, including leakage detection • automatic billing capabilities including adaptative pricing • customer engagement tools • advanced metering solutions providing real-time consumption data • secure and cloud-based data management • decision support systems combining the information gathered and generated by the above modules The platform will remain open so as to foster the creation of new modules by third parties and to ensure interoperability with energy and water management schemes and further enhance collaboration between key partners from outside of the consortium. UrbanWater is a collaborative ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) project, co-funded under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission that will last for 30 months and started on January 2013. The 3.079.773 € contribution from Brussels brings together 10 European organisation from 7 different countries. Research and Applied Research Centres, Universities, Telecommunications, Engineering consultants, Software and Digital Services SMEs and Public Water Services Companies from Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom, are involved.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom