Elhuyar presents its Hiztegi Automatikoak portal
Elhuyar has created the (Automatic Dictionaries) portal, which brings together five automatically-created bilingual dictionaries, and has made it available to users under the CC-by-SA licence. The dictionaries pair Euskera (Basque) with German, Hindu, Arabic, Chinese and Swahili, and have been drawn up using language technologies. In each case, English has been used as the bridge language to create the dictionaries. The choice of languages was not a chance one, as the high numbers of speakers of each has been taken into account, as well as the fact that they are languages spoken in different continents, and with the added novelty that almost all involve hitherto non-existent bilingual dictionaries. The Hiztegi Automatikoak portal is fruit of the research into linguistic technologies undertaken by Elhuyar. While the system currently links Basque with these mentioned tongues, “it is also possible to create dictionaries auteomatically for other pairs of languages”, pointed out Mr. Josu Aztiria, responsible for Language and Technology Unit at Elhuyar communications science expert and linguist at Elhuyar. “We plan to pair Basque with further languages and place the new dictionaries at the disposal of the users of this portal”, he added. Taking into account that we are dealing with automatically created dictionaries, “their level of correctness may not be perfect”, underlined Mr. Iker Manterola, researcher at the R & D unit at Elhuyar. This is why the Foundation provides users with the possibility of suggesting corrections for the portal itself, thus creating an active community of users of the dictionaries.