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Content archived on 2023-03-20

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Research Infrastructures towards 2020

Conclusions of EuroRIs-Net+ Workshop (Lisbon, 5 July 2013)

The event was organised within the scope of EuroRIsnet+ project /the European Network of National Contact Points for FP7-Research Infrastructures/ by the Portuguese and Cypriot Research Infrastructures (RIs) National Contact Points. The target audience included Heads and Managers of Research Infrastructures, National Contact Points and Programme Committee Members, ESFRI Delegates, European Commission officers for RIs and Structural Funds policy, National and Regional policy-makers and researchers. The main objective of the workshop was to present the paths taken in a number of countries across Europe to produce their National RI Roadmaps, the methodologies and how they face the future programming period (2014-2020). It is very important for national contact points, experts, delegates and policy makers dealing with research infrastructures towards 2020 to understand the multitude of challenges from the perspective of a single-sited or distributed research infrastructure, including how they perceive themselves as service providers to the research and innovation community. Interesting sessions and a rountable discussion were held: Session: EU Research Infrastructures: concept and policy perspectives Important information was given how the concept of Research Infrastructures has evolved in the concrete setting of EU-funded programmes and how the research infrastructure concept evolved to be applied in EU mapping exercises (MERIL), in EU strategic planning (ESFRI) and in EU funding programmes (European Commission). Special attention was given to the place of Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020. In the roundtable “The main challenges and lessons drawn from the development of National Roadmaps for Research infrastructures” the process leading to the first version and on-course or already published updates were discussed and speakers shared the experience of Spain, France, Greece, the Netherland, Nordic region, Poland and Italy with the public. The case of Portugal in launching a public call that will evaluate the scientific merit and strategic relevance of its research infrastructures landscape to provide a rationale for building its first National Roadmap for RI was presented by Paulo Pereira (Foundation for Science and Technology-FCT, Portugal) Session: Research Infrastructure challenges towards 2020 Here the main challenges facing a national RI in 2014-2020 were presented and broadly discussed: the lines of action and goals to be achieved by 2020; articulation with regional action/innovation plans; concrete innovation actions to be developed; relevance and influence of establishing a relationship with industrial partners in the field; intention to be an ESFRI Roadmap Research Infrastructure node, the main challenges and impact on the organisation's strategy and in possibilities to integrate the national roadmap for research infrastructures; the role for NCPs on Research Infrastructures in H2020. Conclusions The role of smart specialisation processes in promoting the sustainability of research infrastructures across the EU, contribution of RI to innovation and crucial pillars of an innovative RI, the importance of the regional dimension as a driver for increased innovativeness – all were identified as key issues that lie ahead in 2014-2020 for a successful implementation of research infrastructure roadmaps. 250 participants from around Europe and beyond were presented, and also several hundred viewers through the online streaming. A lively debate took place both in the room, during breaks, and in through the online Q&A system. We are glad to share with you the link to the Speakers presentations: European Network of National Contact Points for FP7-Research Infrastructures /EuroRIs-Net+/ provides value-added services for transnational cooperation of NCPs, effective implementation and visibility of the programme. The network develops observatory functions for European, national and regional infrastructures policies, programmes and initiatives. It also supports and encourages the dialogue between RIs NCPs and other stakeholders of the RI ecosystem. For more information, please contact: Georgia Tzenou National Documentation Centre, Greece Tel.: +30 2107273965, E-mail:


Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom