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Content archived on 2023-03-20

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Tools for the estimation of very Shallow Geothermal Potential now available.

An interactive map showing the very shallow geothermal potential (vSGP) across Europe, and a calculator for estimating an area’s vSGP using site specific information has been launched by the ThermoMap project for companies, end users, and public authorities.

An interactive map showing the very shallow geothermal potential (vSGP) across Europe, and a calculator for estimating an area’s vSGP using site specific information has been launched by the ThermoMap project for companies, end users, and public authorities. With fast payback times, as well as low impact installation and operation, systems using very shallow geothermal resources can provide simple and effective heating solutions to both homes and businesses. The shallow sector is the largest geothermal sector in Europe, and is continuing to grow at a higher than expected rate in most European countries. Despite this, there is a lack of research into and widely accessible information about horizontal systems and very shallow (up to 10m depth) geothermal resources in general. A web-GIS has been created which allows users to enter an address and create a report on the area’s suitability for a shallow geothermal system. The ThermoMap project has harmonised pre-existing data sets concerning geological, hydrogeological, soil, climate and relief geodata to create a searchable map of Europe giving the first estimation of geothermal potential across Europe. The European Outline Map gives a first estimation of potential at a scale of 1:250,000. In addition, field studies were undertaken in fourteen test areas in nine different project countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Romania and the UK. In the test areas, detail about the very shallow geothermal potential (vSGP) is given for three depth layers (0 – 10m) at scales varying from 1:5,000 to 1:40,000. Outside of the test areas, the European Outline Map (EOM) gives a first estimation of the vSGP at a scale of 1:250,000. Where external site specific data exists, for example from local subsoil analysis or drill hole descriptions, the calculator can be used to give a more detailed estimation of the potential. The calculator, which is accessed through the MapViewer interface, loads information from the outline map, which can be modified and enhanced with local data. The maps, calculator, as well as several help and information sheets are available in all eight partner languages. The tools are the product of the three year FP7 ICT-PSP funded project, which ends today. They result from a comprehensive and dynamic testing process which looked at the methodology - how the potential is understood and assessed, the data - from existing data and testing sites, and the usability of the tools - how different target groups interacted with the tools. Both tools, as well as more information can be found on the ThermoMap website


Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom