JOULE 2: Recent publications on solar energy RTD projects
The Commission of the European Communities has arranged for the publication of a number of books resulting from research undertaken in the context of the specific research and technological development programme in the field of non-nuclear sources of energy (JOULE 2, 1991-1994) and its predecessor, JOULE 1 (1989-1992). Titles now available include: - Test Procedures for Short Thermal Stores: Visser and van Dijk (1991). - Simulation of Thermal Systems, EMGP3: Dutre (1991) - Simulation of Water Based Solar Systems, EURSOL: Dutre (1991). - European Simplified Methods for Active Solar System Design: Bourges (1991). - Solar Radiation Atlas of Africa: Raschke, Stuhlmann, Palz and Steemers (1991). - Solar Architecture in Europe: Steemers (1991). - Building 2000, Vol. 1 and 2: Den Ouden and Steemers (1992). - Energy Conscious Design, A Primer for European Architects: Goulding, Lewis and Steemers (1992). - Climatic Data Handbook for Europe: Bourges (1992). A further publication "Energy in Architecture, The European Passive Solar Handbook" is to be available shortly. This study written by Goulding, Lewis and Steemers forms a much more detailed companion volume to the primer "Energy Conscious Design", mentioned above. A number of these books were prepared in the third solar research and development programme of the European Communities, DG XII, within the SOLINFO project, with the aim of increasing the dissemination of the results of Community RTD in this important area (the building industry in Europe being the largest economic sector after agriculture). Publication arrangements were made under the VALUE programme for the dissemination and utilization of Community research results.