Solar energy in architecture and planning
Solar technology, energy conservation and new construction materials contribute to a sustainable society and reduce environmental impairment in cities. Noteworthy advances in design toward improved energy efficiency in buildings and progress in passive and active use of solar energy are clearly feasible. These and the relationship to city planning are themes of the conference.
A call for papers and building design schemes is directed towards this spectrum of topics and therefore encompasses both design and engineering, seeking papers and building design schemes which deal with:
- Important contributions from science and technology to solar energy in architecture and urban planning in the last ten years;
- building design schemes and realizations which illustrate these;
- architectural aspects which require further scientific investigation.
The conference offers a number of plenary sessions plus technical sessions and workshops for dialogue between architects, urban planners, engineers, scientists, developers, manufacturers, clients and local authorities.
Submission of abstracts:
Commission of the European Communities
Attn. Theo C. Steemers
rue de la Loi 200
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2356878; Fax +32-2-2363024
For further information:
Sylvensteinstr. 2
D-80000 Munchen 70
Fax +49-89-7201291