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The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) looking forward to participating in Horizon 2020

Brussels/Dublin, November 20, 2013: Following a fruitful seminar at the European Parliament last month where TILDA received support from MEPs, TILDA is actively seeking to contribute to the Innovation Union through Horizon 2020 (the EU’s new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation).

TILDA is actively seeking partnership possibilities for the upcoming 2014 and 2015 calls in the Work Programme for Health, demographic change and wellbeing. TILDA is a nationally representative longitudinal study of ageing in Ireland charting all aspects of health, economic and social circumstances of over 8,500 people aged 50 years and over, and is one of the most comprehensive research studies of its kind in Europe and internationally. The study is led by Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in collaboration with a number of institutions in Ireland and longitudinal studies on ageing in Europe and the US. Led by Professor Rose Anne Kenny, TCD, and an internationally renowned multidisciplinary team of researchers in ageing, evidence from TILDA is helping to unravel the physical, psychological and socio-economic determinants of healthy and active ageing, informing policies for active ageing and increased healthy life years, and tracking the impact of policy changes and healthcare interventions. TILDA has completed two waves of data collection and is preparing for the third wave in 2014. The comprehensive longitudinal dataset contains extensive health data covering physical, cognitive, psychological, behavioural health, and healthcare utilisation. TILDA also maintains a biobank of blood samples. The multidisciplinary TILDA team are highly skilled at large data set collection and analyses, innovation and technology development, and translation into policy and practice. TILDA is delighted to seek opportunities to contribute to proposals for health, demographic change and wellbeing under Horizon 2020. MEP Costello and other policy makers showed their support for the project including Heinz K. Becker, MEP, (Austria) of the Employment and Social Affairs committee, and Phil Prendergast, MEP, (Ireland) of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. For further information on partnership possibilities please contact: Vera Hörmann ISC Intelligence in Science Email: Tel: +32 2 8888 104 Ann Hever TILDA Email: Tel: +353 1 896 3980 Media Enquiries Jessica Hadjis ISC Intelligence in Science Email: Phone: +32 2 88 88 100 Editor’s Note TILDA The Irish LongituDinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) is a study of a representative cohort of over 8500 people resident in Ireland aged 50+, charting their health, social and economic circumstances over a 10-year period. The second wave of data collection commenced this year. TILDA is unique amongst longitudinal studies internationally in the breadth of physical, mental health and cognitive measures collected. Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 is the European Union’s financial instrument for promoting research and innovation under the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness. Running from 2014 to 2020, the EU’s new programme for research and innovation aims to create new growth and jobs in Europe. For further information:


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