SPRINT: Tender relating to the work of the European innovation monitoring system
The Commission of the European Communities, within the context of the main phase of the strategic programme for innovation and technology transfer (SPRINT 1, 1989-1993), calls for tenders concerning research, studies and surveys to be carried out in the context of the European Innovation monitoring system (EIMS). The call, which follows an earlier call on the same subject (Official Journal No C 186 of 27.7.1990) aims to draw up a list of bodies and experts who could be called upon for research activities decided by the Commission in consultation with the Committee on innovation and technology transfer. The main objectives of the EIMS are to translate and transform survey and research results on innovation and technology transfer into information bases to be useful in the context of actions on the part of public bodies (at regional, national and Community levels), companies, and suppliers of innovation support services. Equally the EIMS aims to disseminate appropriate data, information, concepts and tools, and to organize a permanent network of producers and users of such information knowledge. Work may be related to 10 categories of research topics as follows: The innovative performance of firms, organizations and regions; public policies towards technological information and diffusion; environmental conditions for technological innovation and diffusion; innovation strategies and innovation management of firms, organizations and regions; technological capabilities of firms, organizations and regions; innovation and information behaviour of firms; acquisition of external technological sources; interfirm innovation linkages; innovation supporting services; networks and clusters of firms, organizations and regions. The nature of the work will be specified by the Commission and may involve one or more of the above areas, requiring a variety of skills, resources, and different levels of expertise (conceptual work, surveys and empirical studies, assessment, performance of synthesis, translation, acting as a mentor for successful tenderers in the abovementioned specialities, acting as correspondents in the monitoring or gathering of information on national and regional measures, coordination and assessment of individual EIMS projects). Detailed information and application documents are obtainable from: Commission of the European Communities DG XIII/4 Attn. Mr. R. Miege SPRINT Programme Jean Monnet building (B4/100) L-2920 Luxembourg Telex COMEUR LU 3423; Fax +352-430134544