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Content archived on 2023-04-03

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The European Research Project INCASI holds its second Workshop in Latin America

The coordinating institutions of the project met together with the partner universities of Latin America in La Plata (Argentina), on May 29 and 30 for the second phase of the project.

Pedro López Roldán, coordinator of the network belonging to the Instituto de Estudios del Trabajo (IET) and Sandra Fachelli, Task Manager and researcher of the Grupo de Investigación en Educación y Trabajo (GRET), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, met on May 29 and 30 in La Plata (Argentina) with the Latin American Main Responsible Investigators of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Católica Argentina, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Universidad de la República, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad de Concepción, Universidad de Chile, Universidade da Sao Paulo y El Colegio de México, as members of the INCASI project, to carry out the second Workshop in Latin America to advance the second Work Package of the project. The two-day meeting dealt with issues related to the Secondments of researchers planned for the second phase of the project, addressed the details of the INCASI Working Paper Series (IWPS), the scientific production and discussed the basis for the construction of the AMOSIT Model (Analytical Model of Social Inequalities and Trajectories). In this phase of the project, from the contribution of the different groups of the INCASI network, it is a question to agree and defining a common research perspective according to the proposal of the AMOSIT analysis model. It establishes the main theoretical and conceptual aspects on which articulate the research on the network. IV International Seminar: Desigualdad y Movilidad Social en América Latina The INCASI project also participated in the IV International Seminar "Desigualdad y Movilidad Social en América Latina" held in the same location as the Workshop, La Plata (Argentina), during May 31st, June 1st and 2nd, through sponsorship of the seminar and with the participation of researchers from the network in the different papers and the opening conference of the project "Desigualdades sociales en una perspectiva comparada entre América Latina y Europa" provided by Pedro López-Roldán and Sandra Fachelli. Workshop in Europe The second phase of the project will also be addressed at the second European Workshop to be held on 6 and 7 July in Tenerife, Spain, with the Main Responsible Investigators of the European universities benefiting from the INCASI project. Among them are the Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidade da Coruña, Universidad de La Laguna, Middlesex University, Tampereen Yliopisto, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università della Calabria y Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès. INCASI (International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities) The INCASI network is part of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Commission in the section of Excellent Sciences. In particular, it is part of the pillar designed to foster transnational, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). This is to create strategic alliances between recognized research centers. The project is identified by GA code No 691004. Specifically, it is based on international academic cooperation, between Europe and Latin America, through the Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) of the 20 universities that make up the network. The objective is to create and consolidate a research and training network between Europe and Latin America, establishing the conceptual and methodological basis for developing a longer-term international comparative research program, and for designing an international postgraduate study program Analyze social inequalities in a comparative perspective. For this, is developed the project “Global trends in social inequalities in Europe and Latin America and exploring innovative ways to reduce them through life, occupational and educational trajectories research to face uncertainty” between January 2016 and December 2019.


Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, Finland, France, Italy, Mexico, United Kingdom, Uruguay