Analyses and studies in the fisheries sector
The Commission of the European Communities solicits studies for the purpose of allowing the Commission to improve existing information to frame regulatory provisions needed in the development of the Common Fisheries Policy, in particular to ensure a rational and responsible exploitation of aquatic marine resources drawn up in the light of available biological, socio-economic and technical analyses as laid down in Council Regulation (EEC) No 3760/92 (Official Journal OJ No l 389 of 31.12.1992). Hence, the Commission invites research institutes, experts and other competent organizations to present study proposals relevant to the fields specified below. - 1. Bioeconomic analysis in support of the Common Fisheries Policy (Budgetary line B2-234; ECU 4 million): Implementation of new management tools, in particular direct limitations of fishing effort and the application of multiannual and multispecies concepts in catch limitations. Such implementation still requires further research work. In addition, the protection of juvenile fish demands improved knowledge on several precise aspects of the selectivity of fishing gears. Economic impact of these management tools should be included whenever possible. Subjects of study which will receive priority are listed in the call. - 2. Protection of marine species (Budgetary line B2-235; ECU 1 million): Improved knowledge of the impact of fishing activities on the environment, and particularly on marine species not specifically targeted, is required to achieve a responsible exploitation of marine resources. The results of studies in this area will contribute to the formation of future regulatory provisions to improve the marine environment, including the establishment of specific areas in which no or very limited fishing will be allowed. Priority actions are as listed in the call. - 3. Specific actions in the Mediterranean (Budgetary line B2-2303; ECU 3 million): Studies and pilot projects relating to the progressive establishment of a Community conservation regime in the Mediterranean sea. Within the priority fields established under Council Regulation (EEC) 3499/91 (OJ No L 331 of 3.12.1992) and in order to better use the existing budget, priority will be given to the organization of tutorial workshops on fish-stock assessment particularly aimed at young scientists, organization of workshops on methodology for obtaining biological data for assessment purposes on a species basis, uses of fishery-independent methods in the assessment of demersal stocks. Collaborative bottom trawl surveys. Constitution of EC database on abundance indices. In order to encourage scientific cooperation, the Commission will give preference to joint studies involving more than one Member State. Detailed information on the submission of proposals and the contact that will be established with successful proposers is available on request from the Commission's services. Enquiries concerning this call should be addressed to: Commission of the European Communities Directorate-General for Fisheries, Conservation Unit (DG XIV/C-1) 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2959435/-2959205; Fax +32-2-2966046