Theoretical Foundations of winter control of bee colonies, realized in General State Control mode of the app for acoustical control of bee families -
What are the theoretical foundations of the method of control used in our device, Apivox Auditor? In this case, we relied on the studies of Russian scientists & beekeepers and in particular, on the works of Professor Eskov. His works describe general state of the acoustic characteristics of wintering families. Beside this we have made our own tests and observations on our experimental apiary. So what Russian scientist claims? Based on his research and hundreds of measurements of acoustic background of wintering families, it is possible with high degree of confidence assert, that there is a direct relationship of the concentration of carbon dioxide in the hive, and the strength and intensity of ventilation, as well as state and excitation of bees, during the winter season. 1) Increment of CO2 concentration in the hive from 2% to 5-7% leads to the growth of ventilation force and intensity. This increases amplitude and frequency of ventilation signals. It rises about 50 hertz. This shifts the signal maximum range of 70-180 Hz, from the range of 70-100 Hz to the range of 100-120 Hz. This corresponds with increment of intensity of signals in the diapason, which tells us about the state of in-hive activities of the bees. The intensity peak of signals shifts from diapason 200-240 hertz, to diapason 240-270 Hz. 2) When achieving the level of carbon dioxide concentration in the hive of 9-10%, leads to increment of ventilation intensity much more. The intensity peak of ventilation signals moves to diapason 120-140 Hz, and intensity peak of signals, which tell us about the state of in-hive activities of the bees, shifts from 240-270 Hz to 300-340 Hz diapason. The degree of infection of bee families with Varroa mite, also affects the state of the acoustic background of wintering bee families. The more infected is the family, the more intense are signals in the range of 200-380 Hz. According to the analysis of the spectra of background noise in 376 hive by Professor Eskov, he stated the following ... 1) In the families where the infection was 2-8%, the peak signals characterizing the state of the bee family, situates in the diapason of 270-300 Hz, 2) In the families where the infection was 50%, the peak signals characterizing the state of the bee family, shifts to the diapason of 300-380 Hz, It should be noted that the strength of signals was not of fundamental importance. It means that it is not possible to use the power of sounds of wintering family in order to determine the degree of infection of the family with Varroa mite. Only the frequency range, in which is situated the peak of the acoustic signals is meaningful. Just the frequency shift indicates the state of the family. So the WINTER CONTROL of Apivox Auditor is using the results of researches of Russian scientists on this topic. We hope that this option will help beekeepers in countries with long cold winters to monitor their hives easier, and reduce the deaths of bee colonies due to the timely checks witch can be needed to solve bee families problems. Apivox Auditor makes possible to carry out an inspection of bee colonies just in a few minutes. And it does not matter if they are wintering on the open air, or in special placements.
beekeeping, apicultura, apicoltura, apiculture
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