Diversification and development programme for certain banana-producing countries of Latin America
A proposal for a Council Regulation (COM (92) 496 of 4.2.1993) introduces a programme to encourage diversification and development in banana producing countries of Latin America including the Andean countries and the countries of the Central American Isthmus (Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia). Measures eligible for financial support under the programme must be geared to production, special attention being paid to the development and marketing of products which are not traded in significant quantities at the time of the entry into force of this Regulation. Eligible measures shall be divided into a pre-investment and investment stage, with the former including training as well as research and technology transfer measures. Maintenance and current administrative expenditure may be chargeable under the programme, with the provision that, with the exception of training and research programmes, the defrayal of expenditure may cover only the start-up phase and shall be digressive.
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, El Salvador, Venezuela