Interim evaluation of COMETT II (1990-1992)
The Task Force on Human Resources, Education, Training and Youth has published the COMETT II Interim evaluation report (1990-1992) entitled, "Transnational training for technology in Europe - The COMETT Experience". COMETT, the Community programme for Education and Training in Technology was established by the Council Decision 86/365/EEC of 24 July 1986. During the first three years of COMETT II more than 15,000 student placements, and more than 300 personnel exchanges were arranged. COMETT II will support more than 7,000 training course sessions giving more than 500,000 persons training in advanced technology. So far, COMETT has involved close to 10,000 enterprises, 2,400 universities and higher education institutions and 4,100 other organizations from EC and EFTA countries. It is estimated that around 20,000 European organizations will be involved in COMETT II by 1994. For the duration of COMETT thus far, 30,000 student exchanges have been funded together with approximately 7,000 course sessions. By 1994, close to 3,000 training materials will have been supported by the Programme. This means that by the end of the second phase of COMETT II, no less than half a million people throughout Europe will have directly benefited from this programme. To further disseminate the key messages which have emerged from the COMETT experience, the Memorandum on Higher Education (COM(91)349 def) issued on 5 November 1991, addresses a full range of issues regarding cooperation between higher education and industry.