More eco-innovation at your fingertips on extended INNOVATIONSEEDS portal
A wealth of knowledge about eco-innovation technologies, processes and policies exits in Europe. However, to date, there is no streamlined way of accessing this information – stakeholders often need to search several sources to find what they need, and knowledge is rarely described in a user-focussed manner. For the first time, the new portal brings together bottom-up and practical eco-innovation knowledge from different areas comprising of not only technologies, but also of services, business models, processes, policies, funding and networks in a holistic way. “With the launch of the new INNOVATIONSEEDS portal we aim to offer an added value to users looking for environmental knowledge and solutions in one database” says Dr Karen Bohme of German public body PtJ, coordinator of the greenXpo project consortium, which is the team behind the updated web-portal. The project is complementary to the EU’s EcoAP platform and contributes to its objectives. First launched in 2011 with the aim to increase the impact of environmental research in Europe, the INNOVATIONSEEDS portal started by featuring technological eco-innovation: The knowledge created in over 100 promising EU-funded environmental R&D projects was presented in the form of short “core” articles. Each article describes the added value of a given R&D result based on the technical functions this result is able to fulfil. This helps potential users to better understand what the result can be used for, and how it might be taken up and brought to market. In addition, journalistic articles, webinars and video news releases promoted new environmental technologies and knowledge to policy makers and market players. The new portal builds upon the success of the previous one and enlarges its database by including additional cutting-edge knowledge on eco-innovation cases and funding as well as expanding its categories and now featuring knowledge on eco-innovation policies and networks. The portal’s intuitive linking and quick navigation features as well as the use of TRL scales to describe results allows for a unique added value to visitors with information that is tailor made to their needs.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, United Kingdom