Second-generation Bio-Products: Behind the Scenes of MultiBioPro
Aiming to provide the public with a better understanding of the dynamics of a cutting-edge research project, the MultiBioPro consortium has produced a film. It covers the main objectives of the FP7 MultiBioPro project: to develop sustainable biofuel und biomaterial for industrial use. Fascinating impressions of the labs and the plant research farms from all over the world offer a unique insight into the scientific challenges of MultiBioPro. Climate change and the security of energy supply are among the toughest of all challenges the world is currently facing. Thus, the EU has put the development of biofuels at the center of its renewable energy strategy. First-generation biofuels are produced from crops such as rapeseed, corn and palm oil. However, there is concern over changes in indirect land use, when prime farmland is diverted from food production. Consequently, policymakers are calling for a shift to woody plants that can grow on land unsuitable for agriculture. The MultiBioPro project aims at developing second-generation non-food oils and biomaterials from poplar and the tobacco tree (Nicotiana glauca). Both plants can thrive on marginal land. The MultiBioPro consortium will explore already existing poplar and Nicotiana glauca genotypes to alter metabolic pathways. Hence, the qualities of wood fibers and long-chain fatty acids can be significantly improved. An extensive cross-talk between the analytical platforms, biorefining and field trials will provide the basis for industrial determination of new multi-purpose feedstocks. The consortium will also analyse residual biomass, e.g. suberin found in poplar bark that is normally considered a waste product. Its potential to yield long-chain fatty acids with important characteristics for new biomaterials and for biorefinery purposes is of great interest for the researchers. Field trials within the MultiBioPro project will further evaluate the environmental sustainability of the obtained poplar and Nicotiana glauca genotypes. Attributes that are advancing biorefinery and biomaterial properties will be exploited for marketing demonstrating the industry-driven nature of the MultiBioPro consortium. The film is now available on the project website:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, United Kingdom