Advanced Informatics In Medicine (AIM): Call to be published shortly
The Commission of the European Communities intends to publish a call for proposals in the context of the specific programme of research and technological development in the field of "telematic systems in areas of general interest" (1990-1994). Concerning AIM 2 (Advanced Informatics in Medicine), Area 3 of the specific programme, the call is expected to be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities during mid-April 1993. The call aims to allow the developments already emerging from ongoing research activities in health care telematics to be tested and validated in the health care community. Proposing consortia are to be invited to address the categories of topics described below: - 3.1: The integration, interconnection and validation of a reasonably large number of key AIM projects (it is possible that projects outside AIM could also be included). Services to be tested should cover the transmission of medical text, messages (including biosignals) as well as medical images. Proposals may also provide a framework for the implementation of health care telematic services including all relevant parties. - 3.2: Accompanying measures and/or concerted actions including the setting up of networks of excellence. Proposed work should aim at demonstrating the results of ongoing European RTD efforts in health care telematics, and should be achieved by supporting large scale demonstration activities linked with implementation plans for health care telematics systems, or by establishing or coordinating pilot health care added-value telematic services in Europe for common use by health care providers. - 3.3: Extension or strengthening of AIM projects. Proposals will seek to finalize intermediary products, or to promote the development of common results, or to demonstrate the viability of practical solutions of interest to health care decision makers and industry. The participation of industrial partners with a precise strategy for the exploitation of project results, and of local, regional, or national health care authorities, committed to the use of those results, is highly encouraged (proposals retained under Area 3.3 can normally expect funding only in 1994 and subject to a favourable opinion at the October 1993 technical audit of all ongoing AIM projects). - In both Areas 3.1 and 3.2 above it is essential that proposers consider ongoing European standardization activities, that they build on the results of projects, and that they convincingly demonstrate potential for collaboration with actors from a number of Member States. Health care providers and third parties in health care services at local, regional, national and transnational levels should be involved in the consortia to ensure that the tasks are performed on a wide basis and under real-life conditions. The total Community contribution to projects under Areas 3.1 and 3.2 is planned to be in the region of ECU 7 million, while a further ECU 3.0 million is envisaged for topics under Area 3.3. Information on the procedure to be followed in submitting a proposal plus the format for submissions will be available on request from Offices of the Commission in the Member States and from: Commission of the European Communities DG XIII, Direction C 200 rue de la Loi (BU 29 3/56) 1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2963422; Fax +32-2-2960184