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Second phase of TEMPUS adopted

The second phase of the transEuropean cooperation scheme for higher education (TEMPUS II), 19941998, is adopted by a Council Decision 29/246/EEC of 29.4 1993. Following an amended proposal for a Council Decision adopting the second phase of the transEuropean cooperation schem...

The second phase of the transEuropean cooperation scheme for higher education (TEMPUS II), 19941998, is adopted by a Council Decision 29/246/EEC of 29.4 1993. Following an amended proposal for a Council Decision adopting the second phase of the transEuropean cooperation scheme in higher education, TEMPUS II (COM(93) 104, published in Official Journal C 113 of 23.4.1993) the final Council Decision on the scheme was reached on 29 April 1993. TEMPUS II shall concern the countries of central and eastern Europe designated as eligible for economic aid by Regulation (EEC) No 3906/89 (PHARE programme) and the Republics of the former Soviet Union as defined by Regulation (EEC/Euratom) No 2157/91 (TACIS programme). The objectives of TEMPUS II are to promote, as part of the overall aims and guidelines of the PHARE and TACIS programmes in the context of economical and social reform, the development of the higher education systems in the eligible countries, via as balanced a cooperation as possible with partners from all the Member States of the European Community. Specifically TEMPUS II seeks to help higher education systems in the eligible countries with regard to: - Issues of curriculum development and overhaul in priority areas; - the reform of higher education structures and institutions and their management; - the development of skill-related training to address specific higher and advanced level skill shortages during economic reform, in particular through improved and extended links with industry. Development and restructuring activities will be undertaken via cooperation involving partners from the EEC Member States and the other G-24 countries. The Commission shall ensure appropriate coordination with actions developed by countries not members of the Community or by universities or enterprises in these countries which relate to the same field of action as TEMPUS II, including their participation in projects where appropriate. The Commission shall also assure consistency and complementarity between TEMPUS II and other actions at Community level, particularly with reference to the actions of the European Training Foundation.

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