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Content archived on 2024-06-18

INtelligent Renewable Optical ADvisory System (INROADS)

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Smart LEDs light the way to road safety

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) powered by the sun could soon be guiding drivers. Together with sensors and wireless communication developed by an EU initiative, they will also help control centres to manage traffic patterns on a larger scale for enhanced safety.

Almost every driver at some point has come across the lines of small, reflective spheres marking lanes or shoulders when lit up by vehicle headlights. These road studs, also known as cat's eyes, have entered a new era. Incorporation of LEDs increases visibility as compared with reflection, provides lighting at angles not illuminated by headlights and enables use of colours to indicate different conditions. The EU-funded INROADS (Intelligent renewable optical advisory system (INROADS)) project focused on integration of LEDs with sensor and communication systems to enhance traffic management and driver information. Work began by defining the power, communication and sensor requirements for intelligent road studs (IRSs) for a variety of applications. This was followed by the creation of a set of operational and performance requirements. Project partners designed and developed appropriate embedded sensor systems for autonomous IRSs built into road pavements. They studied driver behaviour and understanding of the proposed solutions. The INROADS team developed an IRS in line with the previously defined requirements and current traffic management infrastructure. Sensors that detect approaching vehicles send a command to illuminate the pavement and road edge on the section ahead. A system that improves visibility is activated when pedestrians are about to cross. The IRS is able to generate some or all of its power requirements via renewable sources. Field and road testing validated the INROADS solution, and a cost-benefit analysis shows clear potential in terms of safety, cost and carbon emission reduction. INROADS demonstrated that IRSs are cost-effective and environment friendly solutions for improving driving performance and road safety, while enhancing traffic management and road user information.


Light-emitting diodes, INROADS, optical advisory system, intelligent road studs

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