RACE call for proposals
A call for proposals published by the Commission of the European Communities concerns the specific programme of research and technological development in the field of communication technologies 1990-1994 (RACE). The objectives and topics for RTD covered by this call address the tasks identified in the updated work programme. Consortia of organizations eligible to participate are invited to submit proposals for the extension of ongoing projects and new projects with regard to the following Tasks: - Integrated networks; verification of network interoperation and interworking among IBC islands; - Implementation of services for personal communication space; integration of satellites in future mobile networks and components for mobile telecommunications systems; - Integrated service engineering (ISE) demonstrations and architectures; - Digital image communications; - Advanced communications application experiments in the automotive industry and in rural areas. The RTD tasks will be addressed, in general, via shared-cost projects, with a total Community financial contribution of ECU 73 million. The projects will normally cover the period to December 1995. Proposals and all correspondence concerning the call should be sent to: Commission of the European Communities DG XIII/B RTD Actions: Telecommunications BU-9 4/46 200 rue de la Loi 1049 Brussels Tel +32-22963415; Fax: +32-22950654; E-mail: raco@postman.dg13.cec.be