DRIVE 2 call for proposals
The Commission of the European Communities has published a call for proposals in the context of DRIVE 2 (Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle safety in Europe), Area Two of the specific programme of RTD in the field of telematic systems in areas of general interest (1990-1994). The call invites proposals for projects in which developments and results already emerging from ongoing research activities in transport telematics would be tested and validated. Proposing consortia are invited to address one or more categories of topics described below. The integration, interconnection and validation of key projects. The services to be tested should cover: - user response to demand management schemes and the effects of pricing strategies on traffic; - validation and evaluation of SOCRATES (System of Cellular Radio for Traffic Efficiency and Safety) within a pan-European framework in an appropriate urban/interurban setting using appropriate infrastructure; - cooperation between projects concerned with pre-trip planning to achieve demand spreading in a real environment; - an in-car man-machine conceptual prototype for integration of applications, particularly route guidance, including the ergonomics of a complete driver support system; - specific support in the fields of: monitoring intermodal movement of hazardous goods, including the consideration of risk, combined transport, and the particular telematics needs in support of small and medium services engaged in freight operation; - certification procedures for system safety including security and electromagnetic compatibility issues; - assessment of the possible impact on the environment of coordinated telematic applications and technologies; Proposals offering a framework for the exploitation of transport telematics services involving all relevant parties will also be considered. At the same time, proposals concerning topics not currently within the transport telematics programme may also be eligible. It is essential that consortia take account of ongoing standardization activities within the Community, build on the results of DRIVE projects, and that they convincingly demonstrate potential for collaboration with actors from a number of Member States. Transport service providers and administration services at local, regional, national and transnational level should be involved in consortia. This condition will ensure that the tasks are performed on a wide basis and under real-life conditions. The total financial appropriation available for the DRIVE call is expected to be in the region of ECU 8.0 million. Full information concerning this call may be obtained from: Commission of the European Communities DG XIII/C 200 rue de la Loi (BU 29 2/67) 1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2963449; Fax +32-2-2962391