Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee: Satellite earth station equipment
The Economic and Social Committee (ESC) has given a favourable opinion on the Commission proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States on satellite earth station equipment(COM(92) 451 of 10.12.1992). The purpose of the proposed Directive is to extend the scope of Council Directive 91/263/EEC (OJ No C 4 of 8.1.1993). The Committee points out that, in addition to the objectives set out in the proposal, the following should be included: - The provision by the Commission as soon as possible of a uniform licensing procedure for the operation of transmit-receive satellite earth station equipment in the Community; - The exemption of all new satellite receive-only equipment from operating licence procedures; - The avoidance of multiple authorization procedures. The Committee underlines the importance of the use of standards in the Community on the basis of international standards. This is, in their opinion, a vital prerequisite for the planned harmonization procedures and proofs of conformity. The ESC also expresses its concern that, while Commission actions towards harmonization in the context of market access in satellite earth station equipment are justified, the Commission should take into account that formal requirements must not make it unnecessarily difficult for manufacturers to provide proof of conformity.