European Parliament Resolution on aeronautical research and technology
A European Parliament Resolution on the subject of European aeronautical research and technology calls on the Commission to draw up, in consultation with the relevant national authorities, industries and research organizations, proposals for a substantial dedicated strategic action in aeronautical research and technology acquisition and to include appropriate provisions for pursuit of such work within its proposal for the Fourth Framework Programme. The Resolution of 12.2.1993 now published in the Official Journal, also requests the Commission to present a proposal to establish a European Joint Aviation Authority for worldwide harmonization and implementation of aviation regulations, aircraft safety standards and certification. The European Parliament believes that reinforcing of the European aeronautical manufacturing industry's worldwide competitive position will benefit both the economy and the employment situation in the Community in general and that the strengthening of the technological base of this industry is the most effective way of reinforcing its market position while enabling it to develop regenerative technological capabilities for the future. The EP also expresses the opinion that the principle of Community support for RTD projects, which should also include demonstration projects, is the best way of strengthening the competitiveness of the enterprises concerned. Projects should therefore receive funding within the horizontal framework of the specific research programmes with integration of the technologies needed for cross-disciplinary applications (energy, environment, new materials and information technologies).